Yesterday while eating lunch my normal programming was interrupted by Mr Obama and his Executive Orders. I was quite interested in how he was going to Combat illegal gun sales, keeping guns out of the hands of people with mental disorders, and mass shootings. It was lame from the start. First off blaming Internet Gun Sales and the infamous Gun Show Loop Hole. After hearing that it was blah blah blah, or the sound for adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons.
Here is the President of the United States making false statements like a blabbering liberal on Facebook. (Oh wait he recently joined Facebook didn't he?). Screaming about something and not having the facts. It has been said by him and and mainstream media that 40% of Online Gunwales forego background checks. Though its been less than 24 hours everyone that I have asked from the President on down that is circulating this supposed fact no one can or has given me an answer to what web sites let alone who did the survey etc etc etc. I also have to wonder if he will be outlawing Glocks next because they're a polymer pistol and can't be seen in an X-Ray and won't be detected in a metal detector. (Sarcasm)
I really think he is misinformed, or he is just a puppet of Mike Bloomberg. In my experience with Internet sales from actual stores J&G, CDNN, Sarco and others, either I have had to send/Fax a copy of my C&R FFL and if the gun qualified have it sent directly to me, or if it was a Modern Firearm I would have my Local gun store fax/send a copy of their 01 FFL, the store would then send them my weapon, I then fill out the state and federal forms, show 2 forms of Identification, then I am submitted for an NICS background check and off I go.
I have also bought from market places like Guns America, Gun broker and others. I have done business with gun stores and individuals alike on these sites. The same procedures as with the Internet Gun Stores have been adhered to in every case be it C&R guns or Modern Firearms.
Another source of gun purchases for me is Gun Shows. I have never witnessed the gun show loophole that President Obama has talked about. Either my FFL has been submitted for C&R weapons or for modern firearms forms filled out, 2 ID's, and an NICS background check.
Here is where I have witnessed the possibility of a loophole. I have been to yard sales and have seen shotguns, revolvers or an occasional hunting rifle for sale and ammo. I have never personally seen assault weapons or semi auto pistols. Also an exception to this is Hillsville Virginia's world largest flea market.
Right now in lay man's terms the law states that if you are a private seller/buyer and if the sale goes over stateliness (interstate transaction) the sale has to go through an FFL. However if it is an instate private purchase/sale (and on advisement from the local office of the BATFE verify by drivers license) all you have to have is reason to believe that the persons conducting the transaction are able to own a firearm sign a bill of sale and that is it.
Personally I think Mr Obama and Mr Bloomberg are grabbing at straws, and have never been to a gun show and attempted to buy a gun or tried to make an Internet purchase of a gun. So something they don't understand right away is bad and when attached to gun is really bad. So they attack it. Now I am not about to say that illegal stuff does not happen, because it does, and in all the cases that I have been made aware of personally the ATF got them. With the executive orders given yesterday again Mr Obama is just spinning his wheels.