Monday, December 16, 2019

Sanctuary: First Amendment For The Second Amendment.

Image result for governor northamIf you are un-aware In November after the elections Governor Northam came on the news in a press conference saying that Virginia is now a state of Democrats.  He also went on to declare his initiatives for 2020 which included Assault weapons bans, Magazine capacities, Background check measures and others.

During the work up of the house of delegates out came SB-64 which is an anti militia law that could cause problems for shooting instructors, Karate instructors, Friends shooting together, and even taking your kid out for a Youth Day Hunt.

Mr Northam by drawing his line in the clay had at that point infuriated the population of Virginia and fanned the flames of revolt.  As of this writing a combination of 90 counties, cities and towns have become 2nd Amendment sanctuaries in the State of Virginia and more are voting every day in the days left in Virginia.  All together there are 95 counties 5 of which will not vote on it.

Image result for mark herringIn light of this there have been threats to Virginians that are pro 2A from the Governor and the Attorney General Mark Herring.  These threats have included Cutting Federal Funding, Calling out the National Guard to search for weapons, Aiding and Abetting Felons charges, Having electricity and phone services cut off.

One thing that I thought was Funny was the governor said that the prospect for new business in Virginia would be hurt by 2A sanctuary because it shows that Virginia cant enforce their own laws.  Again Wrong.  Whats actually showing is that the people of Virginia are telling our State Government "NO GUN CONTROL".  If these laws pass it says to the world that Virginia Government doesn't listen to its people and can not be trusted.

Heres the Kicker.  It has not even been voted on yet and these two are already threatening We the People.

Some say that the Sanctuary declaration is merely a symbolic gesture.  In my own observation this is the 90 different lesser governments utilizing their First Amendment rights by telling our representatives that we do not want George Soros, Michael Bloomburg, Ralph Northam, or Mark Herring dictating and interfering with the constitution of the United States and the constitution of Virginia.  Likewise we the people do hear what they are saying but we are rejecting it.  They were elected to lead the Commonwealth and represent the people of Virginia.  They are not a monarchy or a dictatorship.  Which these two are implying they are.

Mr. Northam, Mr Herring and all representatives in January if you vote on laws, sign them and then enforce them that are against the wishes of a standing majority of Virginians to represent a minority and out of state billionaires you have then betrayed the trust of the people of Virginia, and hence you are traitors.

This is a Richmond County Supporter:

Image result for guns save lives sticker

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Virginia Red to Virginia Blue: What we face with the 2nd Amendment

As of November 5th 2019 Virginia went to the Democrats with a majority in the Senate, and the house of Delegates.  I don't think it's simply a matter of more Democrats in the state but a mis-management of the Republican Party in Virginia.  When we came into this election I was receiving e-mail after e-mail wanting money and how we have to keep the majority in the Virginia legislature.  What I didn't know at the time was that there were seats in both the Senate and the House that were uncontested by Republicans that were being held by democrats.  30 Seats that we just said please take them they're yours.

On November 6th Gov Northam (Who previously had stated that he would not interfere with Virginias Pro 2nd amendment laws.) announced the initiatives of the 2020 General Assembly making promises of taking our guns and 2A rights.  The scariest bill on the table is SB64.  Though I'm not a lawyer this bill negates the 2nd amendment in Virginia:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 18.2-433.2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.
A person shall be is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:
1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
3. Assembles with one or more persons with the intent of intimidating any person or group of persons by drilling, parading, or marching with any firearm, any explosive or incendiary device, or any components or combination thereof.
2. That the provisions of this act may result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment or commitment. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of imprisonment in state adult correctional facilities; therefore, Chapter 854 of the Acts of Assembly of 2019 requires the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to assign a minimum fiscal impact of $50,000. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of commitment to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

This law outright negates the right to a militia and a right to arm it in Virginia.  Here is something for shooting instructors.  My research has found if you train your students with targets with pictures of people; by this law being put in place you are illegally training your students and are then eligible to be tried on State Felony Charges.  Another part of this attacks Karate,MMA and other martial arts venues because it teaches you to attack or defend against another person.  Other "Common Sense Gun Laws" will cover assault weapons, magazine capacities and Background checks.  I have not been able to verify this but also changes will be made to concealed carry rules and regulations.

Currently in Va there is a fight going on against all the attacks of the Blue Government against the Second Amendment.  Currently 47 counties have voted to become 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries,  9 are not voting, and 36 will be considering and voting in the next several weeks of December.  There are 90 counties in Virginia.

Sen John Edwards (D- Roanoke) was interviewed on WDBJ-7 saying that Sanctuary counties are mute and don't mean anything.  I beg to differ with Sen Edwards.  First these Sanctuary Counties are being set up to protect the rights of the citizens.  Second these counties will be using the Dillon rule to not enforce a law that negates the Bill of rights.  Third it tells The Representatives of said sanctuary counties that we as citizens do not want our second amendment rights infringed and do not vote for these measures.  Fourth and Final it is telling the Legislative Branch that we will take this to the Judicial Branch as a whole to fight these laws.  (Another reason to dislike politicians)

If your county is considering to be a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Attend the Board of Supervisors meeting and let them know if you want Tyranny or Freedom.  If your County is already a Sanctuary congratulations and thank you.  If your county is not considering it make them consider and vote for the measure.  They work for you!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Anti- Gun Stance by Walmart and Kroger: What it means in Virginia

What is stated here is opinion of fact.  I am not a lawyer but just a common man expressing my understanding of current laws in Virginia.


This past week it has been all over the news, internet, and social media about Walmart and Kroger's attempt to control 2nd Amendment rights.  However here in Virginia this has no bearing on us carrying concealed or open.  First off they can put up all the stickers they want.

It's not enforceable in Virginia (Virginia LIS and USCCW). They can ask you to take your gun carrying butt our of the store but they can't make you leave as long as you are carrying about in a decent manner, and you are a paying/shopping customer.  I.e. If you are panhandling in the parking lot you can be removed.

As far as Virginia law is concerned your open carry or concealed carry rights go out the window is Churches (church government can designate armed personnel, or blanket access ), Schools, state and federal government buildings.  No where could I find any law pertaining to banning weapons in a private institution.

Many Insurance companies will tell businesses here in Virginia to put these signs up.  Again it is not enforceable.  I've seen them at movie theaters, bar and grills.  Again not enforceable.

As far as Walmart not selling pistol ammunition I get better deals off of,,, and!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Winchester Recall


 WINCHESTER® 38 Special 130 Grain Full Metal Jacket
Olin Winchester, LLC (“Winchester”) is recalling three (3) lots of 38 Special 130 Grain Full Metal Jacket centerfire ammunition.
Symbol: USA38SPVP
Lot Numbers: KF21, KL30 and KM52
Winchester has determined the above lots of 38 Special ammunition may contain incorrect powder charges. Ammunition with excessive powder charges may cause firearm damage, rendering it inoperable, and subjecting the shooter and bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury or death.
DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® 38 SPECIAL 130 GRAIN SYMBOL USA38SPVP WITH LOT NUMBERS KF21, KL30 or KM52. The ammunition Lot Number is ink stamped inside the right tuck flap of the 100-round carton as indicated here. The symbol is printed above the UPC bar code. 
To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Symbol and Lot Number. If it is Symbol USA38SPVP with Lot Number KF21, KL30 or KM52, immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 844-653-8358 for free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition.
This notice applies only to Symbol USA38SPVP with Lot Numbers KF21, KL30 and KM52. Other Symbol or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall.

If you have any questions concerning this 38 Special centerfire ammunition recall please call toll-free 844-653-8358, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: USA38SPVP Recall), or visit our website at

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


     Sometimes you hear things and you gotta ask where somewhat intelligent people get their information.  I have heard many times over the years Former Soviet Union (FSU)  guns can shoot our ammo but we cannot shoot theirs.  This was put out in several schools and familiarization ranges that I attended prior to 1989.  In this post I would like to discuss this and the possibilities.  A little bit of science about a chamber and kindergarten physics.  When a bullet fits into a chamber its snug.  Then the bolt locks onto the chamber making an extremely tight custom fit around the cartridge.  The primer goes off then ignites the gunpowder which then explodes sending forces outward forward and rear.  The chamber counters the outward forces and the locked bolt counters the rearward forces making the front where the bullet is the path of least resistance.

     The first round I will cover is the Soviet 7.62x 54R  This round was used in the Mosin Nagant who's inception was 1891.  At that time the US was using the Bolt Action 6MM (6x60mm) Navy Winchester 1895 (Navy Lee), Also the Krag Jorgensen 8mm and 30 caliber lever action rifles.  By their Designations they came after the Mosin Nagant.  The only US round for that time that I can think of off hand that might be able to be used in Nagant is the 30/30.  The 30/30 Winchester is in fact 7.62mm x 51 and it is a rimmed cartridge.

However  In 1903 the US fielded the M-1903 Springfield chambered in 30/03 (7.62x65mm) and in 1906 the 30/06 (7.62x63mm)  Both these rounds cannot be used in the Mosin Nagant because they are too long.  The bolt will not close or lock hence the trigger cannot release the firing pin.

Ok so lets look at the 30/30 and the 7.62x54R. as I already stated the 30/30 is 3mm shorter than the 54R and it is a rimmed round.  The length isn't too bad I saw a .308 cartridge that was shot through a 30/06 and all that happened was that neck stretched out to the same size as the rest of the case.  So I guess if you were being attacked by a horde and all you had was .308 and a 30/06 bolt action rifle it would suffice.  However I cannot attest to accuracy.

Lets look at the rim. the 54R has a 14.40mm rim and the base diameter is 12.37 where as the 30/30 has a 12.9 mm rim and a 10.7mm base.  From this information the 30/30 would fit loosely into the chamber the bolt can't hold onto it.  If engaged by the firing pin it would slide forward or at the extreme (I never say never) if somehow the primer was engaged the round would more than likely become a ruptured cartridge.

Lets get to the AK-47 which shoots a 7.62x 39 cartridge  Its inception at the time was 1949.  The US was carrying the M-1 Garrand (30/06 7.62x63 which won't fit) and the closest to this round the M-1 Carbine which shot the .30 Carbine (7.62x 32.76mm)  Again the length is shorter, the cartridge is nowhere near the shape of a 7.62x39 (Forces and Physics) and its base diameter is smaller than the 7.62 x 39.  Again if by chance you do get it to fire you are going to have a ruptured round and good luck getting it out of the chamber unless to have a ruptured cartridge tool.  Later on in life the US adopted the M-14 with it's 7.62x51 cartridge which again is too long and would not permit the bolt to lock

Quickly the AK-74 which is 5.45x39 using a 5.56x45mm  look at the numbers!  It don't FIT!

Last I got from a friend of mine that was an F-4 WSO  The US used the M-61 Vulcan which shot a 20mmx 102mm round.  The Soviet MIG-21 used the GSh-23 which shot a 23x115mm round.  if by chance you did get the thing to fire with American ammo.  Do you want to be clearing a ruptured cartridge in a dogfight.

A possibility is that maybe the soviets employ an insert to fire our ammo like the chamber insert for an M-1 Garand to be converted from 30/06 to .308.  Though I have found no evidence of this.   Now what I have heard of is battlefield procurement on both sides.  IE use their weapon and ammo.  Reload our 7.62 brass with their bullets and powder (US only because soviet and European ammo is berdan primed this is 'Merica after all we use Boxer priming pockets).  Never have I heard about FSU nations using our ammo out of their guns.

One note I mentioned locking at the beginning of this article.  It is one of the 8 steps of function in a firearm.  Except in weapons with a blowback operating system utilizing a heavy bolt (IE M-3 Grease gun and PPSh41)  These weapons do not utilize a locking system.  Aim well and shoot straight