On November 6th Gov Northam (Who previously had stated that he would not interfere with Virginias Pro 2nd amendment laws.) announced the initiatives of the 2020 General Assembly making promises of taking our guns and 2A rights. The scariest bill on the table is SB64. Though I'm not a lawyer this bill negates the 2nd amendment in Virginia:
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § 18.2-433.2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.
A person shall be is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:
1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
3. Assembles with one or more persons with the intent of intimidating any person or group of persons by drilling, parading, or marching with any firearm, any explosive or incendiary device, or any components or combination thereof.
2. That the provisions of this act may result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment or commitment. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of imprisonment in state adult correctional facilities; therefore, Chapter 854 of the Acts of Assembly of 2019 requires the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to assign a minimum fiscal impact of $50,000. Pursuant to § 30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation cannot be determined for periods of commitment to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.
This law outright negates the right to a militia and a right to arm it in Virginia. Here is something for shooting instructors. My research has found if you train your students with targets with pictures of people; by this law being put in place you are illegally training your students and are then eligible to be tried on State Felony Charges. Another part of this attacks Karate,MMA and other martial arts venues because it teaches you to attack or defend against another person. Other "Common Sense Gun Laws" will cover assault weapons, magazine capacities and Background checks. I have not been able to verify this but also changes will be made to concealed carry rules and regulations.
Currently in Va there is a fight going on against all the attacks of the Blue Government against the Second Amendment. Currently 47 counties have voted to become 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries, 9 are not voting, and 36 will be considering and voting in the next several weeks of December. There are 90 counties in Virginia.
Sen John Edwards (D- Roanoke) was interviewed on WDBJ-7 saying that Sanctuary counties are mute and don't mean anything. I beg to differ with Sen Edwards. First these Sanctuary Counties are being set up to protect the rights of the citizens. Second these counties will be using the Dillon rule to not enforce a law that negates the Bill of rights. Third it tells The Representatives of said sanctuary counties that we as citizens do not want our second amendment rights infringed and do not vote for these measures. Fourth and Final it is telling the Legislative Branch that we will take this to the Judicial Branch as a whole to fight these laws. (Another reason to dislike politicians)
If your county is considering to be a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Attend the Board of Supervisors meeting and let them know if you want Tyranny or Freedom. If your County is already a Sanctuary congratulations and thank you. If your county is not considering it make them consider and vote for the measure. They work for you!
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