During the work up of the house of delegates out came SB-64 which is an anti militia law that could cause problems for shooting instructors, Karate instructors, Friends shooting together, and even taking your kid out for a Youth Day Hunt.
Mr Northam by drawing his line in the clay had at that point infuriated the population of Virginia and fanned the flames of revolt. As of this writing a combination of 90 counties, cities and towns have become 2nd Amendment sanctuaries in the State of Virginia and more are voting every day in the days left in Virginia. All together there are 95 counties 5 of which will not vote on it.
One thing that I thought was Funny was the governor said that the prospect for new business in Virginia would be hurt by 2A sanctuary because it shows that Virginia cant enforce their own laws. Again Wrong. Whats actually showing is that the people of Virginia are telling our State Government "NO GUN CONTROL". If these laws pass it says to the world that Virginia Government doesn't listen to its people and can not be trusted.
Heres the Kicker. It has not even been voted on yet and these two are already threatening We the People.
Some say that the Sanctuary declaration is merely a symbolic gesture. In my own observation this is the 90 different lesser governments utilizing their First Amendment rights by telling our representatives that we do not want George Soros, Michael Bloomburg, Ralph Northam, or Mark Herring dictating and interfering with the constitution of the United States and the constitution of Virginia. Likewise we the people do hear what they are saying but we are rejecting it. They were elected to lead the Commonwealth and represent the people of Virginia. They are not a monarchy or a dictatorship. Which these two are implying they are.
Mr. Northam, Mr Herring and all representatives in January if you vote on laws, sign them and then enforce them that are against the wishes of a standing majority of Virginians to represent a minority and out of state billionaires you have then betrayed the trust of the people of Virginia, and hence you are traitors.
This is a Richmond County Supporter:
I found the right answer here it is the governor is breaking the law making this law State law does not override federal law. Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution, otherwise known as the Supremacy Clause, makes the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, and U.S. Treaties "the supreme law of the land. (Fm Allen Lee Russell)